伯恩瓦特(奧古斯特·迪赫 August Diehl 饰)的父亲是希特勒御用的纳粹诗人,发表过一系列的赞颂纳粹精神的诗歌。如今,伯恩瓦特和妻子恩斯林(莉娜·莱西米兹 Lena Lauzemis 饰)正在整理那些未经发表的作品,希望这些作品能够给现在的文学界注入新的力量。在整理作品的过程中,伯恩瓦特和恩斯林的政治立场也在渐渐发生着变化。 伯恩瓦特有一个秘密交往多年的情人罗斯(玛利亚-维多利亚·德拉古斯 Maria-Victoria Dragus 饰),天真的恩斯林以为他们可以组成一个独特的三口之家,却因为嫉妒而常常同丈夫发生口角。之后,恩斯林也成为了安德里亚斯(亚历山大·斐林 Alexander Fehling 饰)的情人。
With a sense of duty and iron toughness, the Burgundian weapon master Hagen von Tronje holds the crisis-ridden kingdom together. In doing so, he suppresses his secret love for the king's daughter Kriemhild and represses his own dark past. When the legendary dragon slayer Siegfried of Xanten appears in Worms and threatens the old structures with his unpredictable nature, Hagen p...
A team of Redditors lose everything after a cryptocurrency scam leads them to plot to kidnap the "financial influencer" who screwed them over.
After her brother left home, Tari struggled alone to save her mother from her abusive father. Tari, who has been traumatized since childhood decided to join a support group along with Baskara. They seek salvation by opening up their heart.
After the death of their friend, a group of eccentric young adults are whisked away to a villa on the outskirts of London, but a mysterious entity seems to have followed them to their luxurious getaway.