Everyone at school is dead...
One day, a mass suicide occurs at school!
Daean School is a school of hope; however, in reality, its actually a place of despair where the students are treated like garbage. It's unbelievable but true. The teachers of Daean School are drowned in desire to an extent that they step on the students' dreams.
It is time to set things right.
The principa...
Au milieu de l'été, Sasha, 30 ans, décède soudainement. Alors qu'ils se connaissent peu, son compagnon Lawrence et sa s?ur Zoé se rapprochent. Ils partagent comme ils peuvent la peine et le poids de l'absence, entre Berlin, Paris et New York. Trois étés, trois villes, le temps de leur retour à la lumière, portés par le souvenir de celle qu'ils ont aimée.
A one-off special has been confirmed by ITV and is expected to air in 2016, with the episode being recorded on Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd December 2015. It will be the show's final episode.
阿道夫·希特勒(罗伯特·卡莱尔 Robert Carlyle 饰)从童年开始就想成为一名艺术家,然而专横的父亲却一直在阻断他的梦想。年满18随后,失去父亲后的希特勒终于可以追逐艺术之梦了,怎奈他的天赋有限,无奈成为了一名落榜生。走入社会,希特勒见识到了社会种种不公,也被充满激情的演说所感染。一战爆发,希特勒参军走上战场,经历了战火的洗礼,让这个年轻人心中的愤怒无限增长。一战结束后,作为战败国的德国经济几近崩溃。在此期间,希特勒奉命前往工人党的集会中做卧底,而就在这里,他发表了针对犹太人的激情演说。正是这次演讲,让希特勒发现了自己的演讲天赋。