英国C4电视喜剧节目改编的电影,Ali G Indahouse: The Movie is a 2002 movie directed by Mark Mylod starring the fictional character Ali G, performed by the British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen.
The film is the first in a sort of trilogy of films based of Baron Cohen's characters from Da Ali G Show television show, the second being Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nat...
Paris, the 1980s. Three students decide to celebrate their graduation with a visit of the Paris catacombs. But something, someone, is hunting them. Trapped deep underground, the group needs to get out before it's too late...
After being discharged from the military, Sgt. Barnes finds his way back into society via a charismatic Politician with a covert plan to eliminate an underground criminal element.
特里(约翰·特拉沃尔塔 John Travolta 饰)是一名电影录音师,专门为小成本恐怖片录制音效。一次工作中,特里发现自己阴差阳错之中录下了一辆车掉入水中的声响。震惊之下,特里来到了事故现场,在打捞车辆的过程中,特里惊讶的发现车中一名名叫莎莉(南茜·艾伦 Nancy Allen 饰)的女子竟然奇迹般的还活着。醒来后,莎莉告诉特里,整个车祸事件并非表面上看起来的那样简单,其中隐藏了一个惊天的政治阴谋。
After Hassan discovers Zidik living alone on the streets, he takes him in and cares for him like a son. Zidik now works together with Hassan in the junkyard but both men are stuck in the past. 15 years ago, they lost their loved ones to a virus that turned people violent. Hassan often "forgets" that the virus killed his wife, while Zidik still remembers his sister attacking his...
科学家韦恩·斯萨林斯基(里克·莫拉尼斯 Rick Moranis饰)发明了能将物体放大缩小的机器,光顾着高兴的他却忘记了告诉他的两个孩子。于是这个神奇的仪器把他的孩子们跟邻居家的两个孩子都给缩小了。
四个孩子开始了一次刺激的神奇之旅。院子里的矮小平坦的草坪变成了高耸茂密的 热带雨林,微不足道的昆虫变成了凶猛硕大的野兽,原先稀松平常的东西都瞬间变成了巨型障碍。然而粗心的夫妇发现孩子们失踪后,才意识到大事不妙。怎样才能把孩子们都变回原来的模样呢?而此时最重要的问题是,他们到底在身边的哪个角落……
乌龙科学家韦恩(里克·莫拉尼斯 Rick Moranis饰),再次错误操作他危险的科学实验,而这回的“受害者”是他自己跟哥哥,还有他们的妻子。在这次事故中,四个大人被瞬间缩小到连葡萄干都不到的尺寸,只能用放大镜才能看见他们。他们跟“庞然大物”蟑螂斗智斗勇,更要想方设法让他们的孩子得知这个消息。可毫不知情的孩子们,丁点儿也没发现他们的家长都被缩小的事实,他们根本听不到大人们如蚊子叫般的求助声。绝望的四个大人该怎样向孩子们求救呢?
A man from London comes to a small remote village in Serbia to look after the cemetery. He starts to have nightmarish visions and suspects the friendly villagers have a more sinister intention with him.
A vicious gang war for drug dominance draws in a disturbed Special Forces veteran John Bradley. Trying to adjust to normal life and haunted by inner demons of a violent past, the underworld's retribution on his last connection to humanity, a daughter and grandchild leads to a descent of fury and violence that not even the brutality of gangland is prepared for.
Gabriella, on a vengeance trail after the aswang hybrid that killed her family, teams up with a team of demon hunters called the Slayers, and with a hybrid killer named Bolo, looking to redeem his humanity. Together, this unlikely troop tangle up with Naga and Gundra, hybrid warlords of the supernatural underworld. In the process Gabriella finds an unlikely partnership with Bol...
This Christmas, Thunder Mountain Ski Resort is abuzz when celebrity chef Shane Roarke is named the new head chef. Clara Garrison isn't as excited and is instead focused on getting resettled after her failed attempt at opening a big city restaurant. With their paths constantly crossing, will their shared passion for cooking bring them together or will secrets keep them apart?
Moritz (11) convinced his mother to a special holiday on Cyprus, to meet there his unsuspecting father Aiven Bastekis, once her one-night-stand. Aiven, who runs the family textile trade firm, is startled and seems unwilling to complicate life further in his family, having a Greek father and Turkish mother. However his brother Elyas, who left the firm for his dream, opening a re...
去年的这个时候,STUDIO4℃工作室的“天才嘉年华”系列的第一部《Genius Party》上映,包含了福岛敦子、河森正治、木村真二、福山庸治、二村秀树、汤浅政明、渡边信一郎这7位监督的7部短片,这7位导演用自己的或天才或鬼才烹制了一桌华丽的动画盛宴,虽然在表现形式和内容上都更接近艺术动画和实验动画,但对于喜爱“内涵性动画”的动画fans来说,本作是不可不看的精品。
今年,包括前田真宏(GALA)、中泽一登(MOONDRIVE)、大平晋也(WANWA)、田中达之(陶人基德)、森本晃司(次元炸弹)等5名新锐影像作家的第二作《Genius Party Beyond》即将于10月11日上映,如果说第一系列是河森正治、汤浅政明、渡边信一郎等名监督的舞台,这第二次的舞台则交给了新人们,我们也期待他们的精彩演绎。