Soélie, a young motocross prodigy, sees her dreams of success shattered by an accident. She now devotes herself to training her brother, Michael. When he is recruited by TMAX scooter racers for a high-profile heist in Paris, Soélie must overcome her fears to save him.
Colombian music icon Juanes plays Moisés, the eldest of three brothers plying this perilous trade and the linchpin of the operation, while Alberto Guerra delivers a compelling performance as Ulises, a man paralyzed by conflicting decisions and haunted by fear and grief. When Juan (Alejandro Speitzer) — the youngest of the brothers — is coerced into working for a more powerful, rival criminal organization, the shocking underbelly of the business is laid bare and there are tragic consequences.
A renowned painter who rose from an impoverished past, must confront his once highly abusive addict father, La’Ron, after 15 years of distance between them. Although La’Ron claims to have been reformed by his new relationship with Christ, their reconnection stirs up buried trauma, launching Tarrell into incendiary anxiety, and sending destructive shockwaves through the family. Tarrell must decide if he’s able to forgive, or if he will cut off his father forever.
哈利波特(丹尼尔?雷德克里夫 Daniel Radcliffe 饰)结束了假期,即将回到霍格沃兹继续学习魔法。一个叫多比的家养小精灵警告哈利不要回到霍格沃兹,否则会陷入极大的危险。哈利没有听从多比的劝告,回到了霍格沃兹。很快,霍格沃兹发生了一连窜怪事:接二连三出现学生被石化,一直找不出原因。而哈利总能听到一种奇怪的声音,从墙壁里传出来。
哈利波特(丹尼尔?雷德克里夫 Daniel Radcliffe 饰)结束了假期,即将回到霍格沃兹继续学习魔法。一个叫多比的家养小精灵警告哈利不要回到霍格沃兹,否则会陷入极大的危险。哈利没有听从多比的劝告,回到了霍格沃兹。很快,霍格沃兹发生了一连窜怪事:接二连三出现学生被石化,一直找不出原因。而哈利总能听到一种奇怪的声音,从墙壁里传出来。
伯恩瓦特(奧古斯特·迪赫 August Diehl 饰)的父亲是希特勒御用的纳粹诗人,发表过一系列的赞颂纳粹精神的诗歌。如今,伯恩瓦特和妻子恩斯林(莉娜·莱西米兹 Lena Lauzemis 饰)正在整理那些未经发表的作品,希望这些作品能够给现在的文学界注入新的力量。在整理作品的过程中,伯恩瓦特和恩斯林的政治立场也在渐渐发生着变化。 伯恩瓦特有一个秘密交往多年的情人罗斯(玛利亚-维多利亚·德拉古斯 Maria-Victoria Dragus 饰),天真的恩斯林以为他们可以组成一个独特的三口之家,却因为嫉妒而常常同丈夫发生口角。之后,恩斯林也成为了安德里亚斯(亚历山大·斐林 Alexander Fehling 饰)的情人。
影片主角是一个78岁的英国著名作家,他身患重病却仍然酗酒成性,口不择言。夜晚不时陷于噩梦的缠绕中,令他想入非非,一边琢磨着他最后一部作品的情节构思,一边回忆着他的往事。于是,噩梦、他的想象加上往事的回忆相互混淆在一起,共同构成了他作品的故事框架。 影片将文学创作的过程跟幻想、愤怒等融为一体,制造了一个精致的弗洛伊德哑谜。这是雷奈的第一部用英语拍摄的影片。剧本比较拗口罗嗦,有较重的文学味,影片被认为是雷奈的杰作,博加德的演出尤为精湛,但一般观众可能会觉得单调乏味。 Clive Langham (Sir John Gielgud) spends one tormenting night in his bed suffering from health problems and thinking up a story based on his relatives. He is a bitter man and he shows, through flashbacks, how spiteful, conniving and treacherous his family is. But is this how they really are or is it his own vindictive slant on thing